The Special Counsel Evidence is Coming
Thank God for that. The American people deserve a full accounting of his Demon Resume

Judge Chutkan is allowing the special counsel to submit hundreds of pages of evidence about the January 6th insurrection and I could not be happier about that. It is shocking to me that Trump has been able to avoid accountability for betraying his oath of office, his party, his people and the nation. He is clearly disqualified under the 14th amendment and it is the shame of the former Republican party, now the cult of MAGA and their lapdogs in the conservative captured Supreme Court are fine with such a totally unfit man who has promised to be a dictator from day one who terminates the constitution.
Some Additional Trump Links
Did Rod Serling Predict the MAGA Movement?
Standing January 6th Insurrection Challenge

Coming Soon a Massive Post
As soon as the Special Counsel information drops I’ll be doing another post and letting you know, so you can help others. This is not just an election. This is a choice between freedom and authoritarian fascism. Project 2025 is a plan for a theocratic authoritarian fascist nightmare American state with Trump as the “unitary executive” AKA a dictator King on day one who terminates the constitution and with total immunity there is nothing to stop him now. Do you really think the Supreme Court will save you from him or anything else except yourselves? We, the people are the only thing standing between a deeply unfit loser, liar felon and malignant narcissistic sociopath who only cares about one thing, himself.
My words may sound harsh but these are the facts and we must all know the actual facts about the man before we make a decision we can’t take back. Please, I am happy to talk with anyone or discuss the facts of Trump and his various felonies and insurrections with you, especially if you’re still planning voting for that man.
I challenge everyone else to do the same with the people they love in their lives. The most important thing you can do is save people from the cult of Trump and it is a cult. MAGA is no longer a political party they believe only in one deeply unfit man who tells them the lies they want to hear and that is no way to run a country or a party and I believe the American people are far smarter than Trump. We always voted against him in the millions, but this time we have to understand he’s going to cheat as much as possible so we have to make the loss so massive there is no chance. Anything else will lead to his most insane supporters acting out in the most violent ways.
The Wipeout Event of 2036
Finally that connects with my time travel predictions. We can stop Trump from rising to power and with a massive loss AND we believe that will be enough to change the upstream future and stop the Wipeout Event of 2036 from Occurring.
I wrote about that on Xitter and since I’m currently unbanned, please check it out. This is the manifesto in PDF form if you want to understand what’s coming and the damage the lack of hope and continuing gun violence are going to do the our children and grandchildren. That is, if we don’t choose to come together and stop it. We warn you about these events in order to change them. 99.997% accuracy isn’t something we crave. We live in the 0.003% because we have seen the small changes we make have huge effects that have made this timeline better for everyone. That’s what it’s all about. Making the world a better place for everyone. Americans have a choice in 2024 and I believe we will choose more wisely than Trump.
Prove me right America. Any timeline where he even comes close is rough. Send the strongest possible mess and save this timeline for all our sakes, because the future is where we’ll all spend the rest of our lives and we can make it a good one.
Victor AKA “GVNZNG” Out!
P.S. VOTE! Early! We need you. You matter. We are all necessary for this victory to be as great as it will take for the best possible timeline. That is a reason to try. Try for yourself.